The Stars and the Moon Are Ready to Sing a lullaby for Me  

Posted by t.e.a


As Im starring at the beautiful charming crescent moon now, I hear my
parents and my bro laughing out loud. They're watching Empat Mata,

Talking bout moon, this Night Princess has so many things whch attract
me. The dearest and I, both we love the moon and the sky. It doesnt
matter whether the sky is empty without stars and moon or it is full
with glows. Sky, moon, stars, clouds, and sun mean so much to me.
Seeing the sky make me feel contented, spacious, and ready to face the

I have a story bout moon. It is a story written by Jalaluddin Rumi
Mathnavi, titled The Man and The Moon.

*Umar ibn al-Khattab (radiAllahu anhu) was caliph. The month of the
fast had come round. A crowd of people ran to the top of a hill to
draw a good omen from the sight of the crescent moon.

"See, Umar!" cried on. "The new moon!"

Umar did not see any moon in the sky.

"This moon," he remarked to the man, "has risen from your imagination.
Otherwise, how is it that I do not see the pure crescent, seeing that
your hand," he went on, "and rub it on your eyebrow, then take another
look at the moon!"

The man wetted his eyebrow, and no more saw the moon.

"Yes" commented Umar (radiAllahu anhu). "The hair of your eyebrow
became a bow and shot at you and arrow of surmise!"

One hair through becoming crooked had waylaid him completely, so that
he falsly claimed boastfully to have seen the moon. If one croocked
hair can veil the whole sky, how will it be if all your parts are


I think Im sleepy.. Have to wake up early, the workshop will be
started at 8. But not as the last week, tomorrow just until dzuhr,
inshaAllah (hopefully :p).

Errm, I still can taste the cheesy bite bulgogi sauce on my tongue! Hahaha...

Good nite everyone!

Allahu la ilaha illa Huwa, Al-Haiyul-Qaiyum La ta'khudhuhu sinatun wa
la nawm, lahu man fissamawati wa ma fil-'ard Man dhal-ladhi yashfa'u
'indahu illa bi-idhnihi Ya'lamu ma baina aidihim wa ma khalfahum, wa
la yuhituna bi shai'im-min 'ilmihi illa bima sha'a wasia'a
kursiyuhus-samawati wal ard, wa la ya'uduhu hifduhuma Wa huwal

(Allah! There is no God save Him, the Alive, the Eternal. Neither
slumber nor sleep overtaketh Him. Unto Him belongeth whatsoever is in
the heavens and whatsoever is in the earth. Who is that intercedeth
with Him save by His leave? He knoweth that which is in front of them,
while they encompass nothing of His knowledge save what He will. His
throne includeth the heavens and the earth, and He is never weary of
preserving them. He is the Sublime, the Trememdous [Surah al-Baqarah;
2:255] )

*Whoever reads the above (ayat al-Kursi) when lies down to sleep, will
have a guardian from Allah remain with him and satan will not be able
to come near him until he rises in the mornin.
[Sahih al-Bukhari, cf. Al-Asqalani-Fath al-Bari 4:487]

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